Wave Transit Civil Rights Documents
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Civil Rights & Title VI Documents
- 2024 Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Policy and Program
- 2024 Title VI Plan
- 2020 Limited English Proficiency (LEP) Plan
- Title VI Notification-English
- Notificación Título VI – Español
- Title VI Complaint Form and Procedures – English
- Título VI Formulario de Queja y Procedimientos – Español
- ADA Complaint Form
- 2025 – 2027 Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Plan and Goals
The Authority’s FFY 2025 through FFY 2027 DBE goal is 1.5%, with 1.25% achieved through race-neutral measures and .25% achieved through race-conscious measures.
Title VI Complaints
Wave Transit is committed to ensuring that no person is excluded from participation in or denied the benefits of its services on the basis of race, color or national origin, as provided by US law (Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended). If you believe you have been discriminated against because of race, color, or national origin, please submit a Title VI complaint form below or contact the Authority’s Civil Rights Officer at (910) 202-2057.
Download Title VI Complaint Form in English
Descargue el formulario de queja del Título VI en español
Any person who believes they have been mistreated by an unlawful discriminatory practice under Title VI has a right to file a formal complaint with Wave Transit.
Any such complaint must be in writing or in person to the Title VI Officer, Wave Transit, PO Box 12630, Wilmington, NC 28405, within one hundred eighty (180) days following the date of the alleged discrimination occurrence. Title VI Discrimination Complaint forms may be obtained at no cost from the Wave Transit main office; Forden Station, 505 Cando Street, Wilmington, NC 28405, by calling 910-343-0106, via e-mail, info@wavetransit.com, or through our website: www.wavetransit.com.
A complainant may file a complaint directly with the Federal Transportation Administration (FTA) Office of Civil Rights, Attention: Title VI Program Coordinator, East Building, 5th Floor-TCR, 1200 New Jersey Ave., SE, Washington, DC 20590.
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Complaints
Wave Transit strives to maintain the highest compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. If you believe you have been discriminated against because of a disability, please submit an ADA complaint form below or contact the Authority’s Civil Rights Officer at (910) 202-2057.
Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) Requests
To request an ADA accommodation or modification to Fixed Route or DART service please contact our ADA coordinator:
Brianna D’Itri
(910) 202-2045
Looking for more information about accessible transit options? Head to our DART page.
Document Retention Policy
Detailed accounts of ADA complaints, investigations, and outcomes are retained for one year following the resolution or closure of the investigation. After one year, a summary of the complaint and its outcome are retained for an additional five years. The Cape Fear Public Transportation Authority abides by applicable public records statutes.