Logo Making Waves Foundation

Who We Are

Access to transportation is one of the greatest barriers facing many of our neighbors in Southeastern North Carolina. Every day many of our friends, relatives, co-workers and neighbors struggle to access work, education, health care and employment that most of us take for granted because they can’t afford transportation. Even with public subsidies offered to providers like Wave Transit, the cost of transportation is trumped by rising food, housing and other more pressing needs.
This is why in 2010 board members and staff of the Cape Fear Public Transportation Authority decided to develop a program to meet this overwhelming need. Thus began the Making Waves Foundation a 501(c)3 private nonprofit. The Foundation is governed by a five member board of directors appointed by the Cape Fear Public Transportation Authority. CLICK HERE to read more about the Making Waves Foundation Board of Directors.

What We Do

The Foundation provides transportation fare subsidies to nonprofit agencies who provide assistance to members of the community in need and individuals who otherwise would not have access to transportation, and aid the Cape Fear Public Transportation Authority, otherwise known as Wave Transit, in raising funds to promote and improve public transportation in Southeastern North Carolina. The Foundation is managed by the staff of the Cape Fear Public Transportation Authority eliminating the need to divert precious funding to the administrative duties of the Foundation. Donors can be assured that 100% of their donations are dedicated to meet the mission of the Foundation.

Our Mission

In accordance with the status of the Corporation as an organization described in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, it is organized and shall be operated exclusively for the purposes set forth in the Articles of Incorporation. The Foundation has been formed to provide transportation fare subsidies to nonprofit agencies who provide assistance to members of the community in need and individuals who otherwise would not have access to transportation, and aid the Cape Fear Public Transportation Authority, otherwise known as Wave Transit, in raising funds to promote and improve public transportation in Southeastern North Carolina.”

How You Can Help

A gift as little as $4.00 can provide a single mother round trip transportation to the grocery store, and a donation of $2.00 can ensure that a student is able to access after school activities that promote self-confidence or tutoring. No gift is too small, and your gift can make a world of difference in the life of someone who is struggling.
Please consider a tax-deductible donation to the Making Waves Foundation. Any amount will assist local, low income residents with their transportation needs so they can get work, attend school, or visit their health care providers. You can donate by check or securely online through PayPal. For more information about how to make your tax deductible donation CLICK HERE.

Please make your check payable to the Making Waves Foundation and mail it to P.O. Box 12630 Wilmington, NC 28405-0130 or click the DONATE button below to make a secure online contribution.

Foundation Supporters

A very special thank you to the Landfall Foundation for helping us to fulfill our mission of providing transportation assistance to those in need. In October 2023, the Making Waves Foundation received notification of a grant award provided on behalf of the Landfall Foundation. In 2018, the Foundation was one of eighteen community organizations selected to receive emergency relief support for those impacted by Hurricane Florence. The subsequent five years, the Foundation was fortunate to be the recipient of another grant award provided by the Landfall Foundation. We are thankful and humbled by this support.

Community Grant Information


Making Waves in the Community

The Foundation thanks UNCW students and the Building a Better Wilmington Campaign for this video about the how the Foundation makes a positive impact in our community.

Foundation Newsletter

Stay informed about the good work of the Foundation and read testimonials from grantees in the Making Waves Foundation’s newsletter.

Contact the Making Waves Foundation

For more information about the Making Waves Foundation, please contact the Foundation Manager Jonathan Dodson via e-mail at: makingwaves@wavetransit.com or by phone at: (910) 202-2057.

Prospective Board Members

The Foundation is currently accepting applications for two additional Board Members. Interested individuals should submit an application to Foundation Manager Jonathan Dodson at makingwaves@wavetransit.com

Download the application

A hard copy application can be obtained at one of Wave Transit’s transfer stations between the hours of 8:00 am and 5:00 pm.