Donate to Making Waves Foundation
PayPal Information for Users
When you make a donation, PayPal uses your PayPal balance first to cover the transaction.
If your PayPal balance does not cover your donation, the bank account, credit card or debit card you linked to your PayPal account will be used to cover the donation.
To make a donation using your bank account or credit card, simply link your bank account or credit card to your PayPal account. You can move money from your PayPal balance into your bank account any time. It takes about 5-7 days and it is free. Individuals who use PayPal will not be charged any fees.
Information Regarding PayPal Security
Wave Transit and Making Waves Foundation will never see your bank or credit card numbers when you use PayPal.
PayPal never shares your financial/bank information with outside organizations. You are always protected from any unauthorized payment. PayPal is always on the lookout for spammers and fraudsters.